ReflectionWhen we tried to build the robot we thought it will be so easy.When we tried to put the pieces on top of each other or together we found out that it wasent that easy. We tried to put the peices so carefull and we dident have all the peices we needed infront of us so we took time to look for the peices.We were putting the peices together than we found out that we did everything in the oppesite. The hardest part was the last part because we kept on looking for the write peice that we needed then we thought that we found it but it was the rong one so we were looking for it and finaly found it.
What opparatus will we use?we used an instruction sheet and we had a set of steps and we used lego mindstorm.
What is lego mindstorm?lego mind storm are lego pieces that are connected together to make a robot but there not like any playing lego its speicel peices that connect to make that speicial robot.
How are we going to give our robots instructions/orders?We give them instructions by programing them. If we dident program them then we dont now what they will do so we have to give them orders or instructions.