our technology is hp laptop it can help us in life in many diffrent ways it can help us in school,home and many diffrent places we can use it in school to help us with projects and
homeworks we can use it at home to ask for homeworks or things we did in school if were
absent. We can go on email and chat were ever we want or talk to friends if you cant find
them at home or there busy you can just send thim a messege.
Where do you get it? How much does it cost? What are the brands and models available?
you can find them in lots of countries you can get them in qatar from Virgin Mega Store
you can also order them from Amazon.com you can get them from the internet and lots of
diffrent places.It will cost up to $779.99.
How is it or could it be used for learning at school?
as i said on the top you can you use it to finish projects and ask for homeworks on email and it can help you in the dictionary and lots of diffrent websites.
For more information visit amazon website or http: technoworld website
here are some pictures: